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[媒體名稱] airlive.net [新聞日期] 2023/08/21 [網址] https://reurl.cc/4oAeER [內文] Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 experienced damages in extreme hard landing during Tropical Storm Hilary Alaska Airlines flight suffered a left maingear collapse following landing at Santa Ana-John Wayne International Airport, California, USA. The flight Alaska Airlines #AS1288 took off from Seattle and landed at Santa Anna, California during Tropical Storm Hilary. The Boeing 737-800 (reg. N516AS) was substantially damaged in a heavy landing on runway 20R. Photos posted on social media by the Orange County Fire Authority indicate the MLG mount broke through the upper wing skin. The passengers disembarked the aircraft under supervision of emergency responders. There are no reports of injured passengers or crew members. Statement of John Wayne Airport: “Last night, an Alaskan Airlines plane experienced an issue upon arrival. All passengers were safely off-boarded on the airfield using airstairs. No injuries were reported.” [心得] 1. 詳細照片和影片請參考新聞連結。 其他報導的照片和資訊:https://reurl.cc/Eo30Kk 2. 能夠走出飛機的落地就是個好落地。 可惜飛機暫時不能再使用,不能算是完美的落地。 3. 看完之後小弟對自己的落地更有信心了。 -- A good pilot is compelled to always evaluate what's happened, so he can apply what he's learned. Up there, we gotta push it. That's our job. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1692780598.A.A37.html
kevabc1: C教官 推 08/23 16:55
abyssa1: 哇噻這太重了吧 08/23 17:44
Jimmy2010: Ryan air:我該讓腎了 08/23 17:51
edison: 發動機也落地了 08/23 18:00
summerleaves: 重中之重 08/23 18:02
Kroner: 想問一下有沒有關節痛的運動禁忌?怕動得更嚴重… 08/23 18:02
ttnakafzcm: CFM都撞地板惹 太重... 08/23 18:08
marklin709: 小花的738會支援華信,C教官會飛國內線嗎? 08/23 18:11
js52666: 不然你要搭驚? 08/23 18:34
TSMCfabXX: 骨折了 08/23 18:58
Kroner: UC2是啥東西?求解釋啦! 08/23 18:58
asdf0923: ...風也太大 08/23 19:36
kei1823: 這視角太刺激了 08/23 19:58
vhygdih: 這個機場落地很高難度,跟神風特攻隊沒兩樣因為噪音管制 08/23 20:44
vhygdih: ,然後跑道又很短,加州平時天氣太好,遇到颶風這樣落地 08/23 20:44
Kroner: 搞笑吧!關節痛,你能嚴重點嗎?我要讓你知道什麼叫真正的痛! 08/23 20:44
vhygdih: 真的是蠻危險 08/23 20:44
ltw89104: Ryan air:這個人我們要了 08/23 21:35
domago: 腿太短了 08/23 23:23
yokomata: 什麼是重落地,這示範給你看 08/23 23:27
Kroner: 求推薦靠譜的復健診所,小弟關節治好再來跪謝! 08/23 23:27
duckbill37: 推C教官的心得!! 08/23 23:33
lc85301: 少了健康的膝蓋 08/24 00:04
cc03233: 原本橢圓形的發動機看起來更扁了 08/24 00:07
Jelen: 推c教官 08/24 10:28
Kroner: 長時間坐著工作,關節痛越來越嚴重,該怎麼辦?推薦UC2 08/24 10:28
awayaway: 這也太重了..機翼都戳破了.. 08/24 11:24
abyssa1: 影片看到噴火乘客應該嚇到閃尿了 08/24 11:36
eugene0315: 那個感覺是引擎刮跑道的火花 不過油箱不是就在機翼上 08/24 11:52
eugene0315: 嗎 機翼被戳壞了居然沒漏 08/24 11:52
Chricey: 吃過關節保健品,都沒什麼效果,有推薦的牌子嗎? 08/24 11:52
matlab1106: 不愧是驚航的夥伴 08/24 12:59
abian746: 奇怪了,在這裡討論AS,關星宇什麼事? 08/24 14:12
abian746: as在亞太地區的夥伴可多了 08/24 14:13
donkilu: 引擎冒火花真的是嚇尿 弄不好會燒起來 08/24 14:28
Chricey: UC2是天然成分嗎?還是有添加物啊? 08/24 14:28
kimi255085: 推教官! 08/24 16:11