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[媒體名稱]Simply Flying [新聞日期] 2023/8/26 [網址] https://simpleflying.com/seattle-ask-eva-air-for-787/ [內文] 為何西雅圖機場當局希望長榮航空使用787 Why Seattle Asked EVA Air To Change From A Boeing 777 To A 787 For Night Flights BY JOE KUNZLER The Port of Seattle sat down with Simple Flying to discuss how airlines are incentivized to reduce noise impacts. SUMMARY The Port of Seattle collaborated with EVA Air to change their late-night flight to a quieter Boeing 787-10 instead of a Boeing 777 or Boeing 747-400. The Fly Quiet Awards incentivize airlines to use quieter aircraft and adhere to noise abatement procedures, with Air Canada, Frontier Airlines, and Alaska Airlines winning 2023 awards. The Port of Seattle takes various actions to reduce noise impact, including limiting night take-offs from the runway closest to the community and encouraging airlines to use continuous taxi to take-offs and limit reverse thrust. In a second half of reporting, Simple Flying explores how Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA), and its operator, the Port of Seattle, are working with airlines to be a quieter neighbor. The Port works with airlines to encourage airlines to use quieter aircraft flying in and out of SEA, among other things. Making that 02:10 take-off quieter Recently, the authorities worked with EVA Air on their 02:10 flight from Seattle to Taipei Taoyuan International Airport (TPE). Using its noise monitoring program, the Port reached out to EVA Air about their late-night performance. This led to the carrier changing the aircraft serving the early evening arrival and late-night departure from the Boeing 777, which was previously served by the 747, to the much quieter 787-10. The Port of Seattle’s Noise Program Manager, Thomas Fagerstrom, shared with Simple Flying, Our late night noise limitation program, pointed out that EVA Airways, for example, had the most noise level exceedances during our overnight hours from midnight to five. When asked about EVA Air's response and request to change aircraft, Fagerstrom said, “They really were great” in collaboration. Fagerstrom did note that FedEx is also making a fleet upgrade, retiring their MD-11s. [心得] 簡單說,就是深夜的噪音管制 印象中,先前已有媒體提及這事. 不過,這應該也不影響到華航/星宇 復航/開航 西雅圖的計畫. 華航是否可能會於2024年復航西雅圖,應該是取決於A350 只租1架 or 2架? 星宇的A350交機若沒太延誤的話,應該2024/Q2~Q3 有望開航西雅圖. 另外, Simply Flying 也簡單列舉現在78X Top 5最長航線 https://simpleflying.com/five-longest-boeing-787-10-routes-september-2023/ 1. ORD-HND (UA) 2. SEA-TPE (BR) 3. EWR-TLV (UA) 4. AMS-LAX (KLM) 5. LAX-HND (UA) PS-長榮於2023/Winter 又將西雅圖恢復至每周10班. 應該還是78X 居多. 畢竟今年應該 不會有(三艙等)的789 進來. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1693116379.A.294.html ※ 編輯: nyrnu ( 臺灣), 08/27/2023 14:15:11
taxlaw1991: 原文直接說原本BR是深夜最吵 XD 08/27 14:22
coolfish1103: 長榮的客機最晚離開吧?不然到桃園時間會超早。 08/27 14:59
coolfish1103: 星宇 Q2 開的了嗎?備用機不多一些感覺有點困難。 08/27 15:01
kabor: 787又不優,還好意思叫人一定飛它 08/27 15:01
zzzz8931: 哪裡不優? 08/27 15:07
Kroner: 本魯關節痛始祖,葡萄糖胺保證沒用,乖乖吃UC2 08/27 15:07
Herodotus: 350比較安靜吧? 08/27 16:01
KaedeFuyou: 787哪不優了? 08/27 16:10
VisaInfinite: 座位奴隸 還沒有PE 飛長程線真的不優 08/27 16:12
KaedeFuyou: 坐C艙沒這個問題啊 比777的設置好多了 08/27 16:13
Chricey: 關節痛按摩有效嗎? 08/27 16:13
KaedeFuyou: 以PE為主的確會不開心 可以理解 08/27 16:14
js52666: 又要推銷787了嗎 08/27 17:07
taxlaw1991: 幹嘛推銷 BR飛機太多 08/27 17:18
taxlaw1991: 還有3架疫情期間完工的還沒回來 08/27 17:19
Chricey: 想問一下有沒有關節痛的運動禁忌?怕動得更嚴重… 08/27 17:19
sj4: 我是比較喜歡350,無奈松山不能停,787也不錯啦 08/27 17:40
Lindbergh: 飛機都你西雅圖的廠商還在那邊該 08/27 19:57
ray0208: 西雅圖身為地主,當然是想盡辦法推銷787啦! 08/27 20:26
DANIELHSIANG: 上次搭了新航78x、350、380,裡面最舒適就是350啦 08/27 23:00
Chricey: 求推薦UC2,樓下請提供三家 08/27 23:00
vhygdih: 787 其實不全在西雅圖出廠XD 08/28 03:30
cityport: 787都在CHS 08/28 04:04
acomp: 787 經濟艙只有日航 8 座一排最爽 08/28 07:39
acomp: A380 椅寬應該是最大. Airbus 開始推廣最窄的 10 座一排 A 08/28 07:40
Kroner: 搞笑吧!關節痛,你能嚴重點嗎?我要讓你知道什麼叫真正的痛! 08/28 07:40
acomp: 350, 好在目前沒有主流航空買單 08/28 07:40
acomp: 波音總部早不在西雅圖. 西雅圖周遭 Renton 機場負責 737 M 08/28 07:47
acomp: AX, Everett 機場負責787之外的機型(最近新增737 MAX 產線 08/28 07:47
acomp: ),787產線已搬去南卡 08/28 07:47
Chricey: 不動對關節最好,拎北都躺著 08/28 07:47
cityport: 波音搬去五角大廈對面早代表軍用>>>>>>>民用 08/28 08:08
adam0928: 787真的爛,真心不騙 08/29 17:06