看板 Aviation
好像是彭博社報導的 但我找不到 Fiji airways 將申請成為寰宇一家的正式成員 https://reurl.cc/yYN4My Fiji Airways (FJ, Nadi) has told Bloomberg News that it aims to apply for full membership of the Oneworld alliance later this year, with its sponsors report edly including founding members American Airlines (AA, Dallas/Fort Worth) and Cathay Pacific (CX, Hong Kong International). The process, which could take more than 12 months to finalise from the applica tion date, would see the Fijian flag carrier become the 16th and smallest memb er of the alliance. It is currently a Oneworld connect member. Fiji Airways operates a fleet of three A330-200s, one A330-300, four A350-900s , five B737-8s, and one B737-800s. It flies to 23 destinations around the Paci fic rim, while the airline's Fiji Link (FJA, Nadi) brand services the domestic network. According to its website, Fiji Airways is currently in codeshare partnerships with 13 airlines, including seven Oneworld airlines, these being JAL - Japan A irlines, Qantas, Cathay Pacific, Finnair, American Airlines, Alaska Airlines, and British Airways. It also has a codeshare arrangement with Qantas subsidiar y Jetstar Airways (JQ, Melbourne Tullamarine). Fiji Airways is majority owned by the Fijian government, with Qantas also owning around 16.45% of the carrier and being the third largest shareholder. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1710217168.A.E11.html
kei1823: 斐濟耶,一直想去玩,話說澳航也寰宇的 03/12 12:29
dean1990: 只喝過斐濟水 03/12 12:34
js52666: 潮水 03/12 12:35
williechen: 一次得到AA BA CX QF一起推薦 要進不去也難 03/12 14:22
iqeqicq: 夏威夷航空也是OW成員 03/12 14:32
Kroner: 關節痛有人有有效的復健方法嗎? 03/12 18:40
ayutakako: 他還有A350耶真意外 03/12 14:33
acomp: HA還不是啦 03/12 17:34
ting445: 斐濟曾經也直飛過 03/12 18:30
mithralin: fiji航空最近在特價日本飛雪梨商務艙1600美金 03/12 18:40
Kroner: 求推薦靠譜的復健診所,小弟關節治好再來跪謝! 03/13 09:12
kenny53: 我還以為已經是成員了,因為在香港看到斐濟logo有ow標誌 03/12 22:52
ppdev: 之前是 oneworld connect 現在才是正式成員 03/12 23:38
ppdev: 應該講將申請正式成員 03/12 23:39
Metro123Star: 夏威夷航空併購阿拉斯加什麼時候完成合併營運XD 03/13 09:12
Chricey: UC2神招啊,吃下去就對了 03/13 09:12
acomp: 是AS併購HA, 這宗併購美國政府還沒有過審 03/13 09:36
zzzz8931: 有機會直飛中華民國嗎? 03/13 16:18