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[媒體名稱]Airbus 官方新聞稿 [新聞標題] China Airlines selects Airbus for A350 cabin retrofit Airbus secures THAI A320 cabin retrofit deal [新聞內文] Hamburg, 28 May 2024 – Airbus has signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) with Taiwan ’s China Airlines to retrofit the airline’s A350 cabins with a new layout and state-of-the-art amenities. Under this agreement, Airbus Services will oversee the installation of China Airlines’ latest Premium Business Class, Premium Economy Class and Economy Class seats on its fleet of 15 A350-900s. Passengers can anticipate a premium travel experience across all cabin classes, the latest IFE and full connectivity throughout. The suite of upgrades covering seating in all classes, in-flight infotainment systems, and the cabin environment, will enhance the competitiveness of China Airlines through a more comfortable traveler experience and high-quality service. "We are honored to be selected by China Airlines to upgrade its A350 fleet. The airline’s existing layout had already been one of the most luxurious in the industry and we are excited to support China Airlines to elevate this to yet another level," said Cristina Aguilar, Senior Vice President Customer Services. As of April 2024, China Airlines operates 15 A350-900s, 18 A330-300s and 12 A321neos. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hamburg, 28 May 2024 – Airbus has reached an agreement with Thai Airways International Public Company Limited (THAI) to retrofit its fleet of 20 A320ceo aircraft with reclining business class seats, marking the Airbus’ first-ever cabin retrofit for a single-aisle fleet in the Asia-Pacific region. This initiative aligns with THAI's commitment to enhance passenger comfort and experience, following the integration of its former subsidiary, Thai Smile Airways, into the parent company beginning of this year. Under this agreement, Airbus Services will oversee the installation of 12 business class seats on each A320ceo. Featuring a backrest that reclines up to eight inches, these seats will offer passengers a relaxed sitting position. The retrofitting project is slated to commence by the end of the year. Upon completion, the A320s will transition to a two-class configuration, comprising 12 business class and 144 economy seats, delivering an enhanced travel experience across all cabin classes. This transformation marks a change from the previous all-economy class configuration, which accommodated between 168 to 174 passengers. As of April 2024, THAI operates a modern, yet diverse Airbus fleet consisting of 20 A320s, three A330-300s, and 20 A350-900s. Mr. Chai Eamsiri, THAI Chief Executive Officer, said, “The acquisition of 20 A320 aircraft from THAI Smile Airways has benefited THAI’s route network, as well as strengthened fleet efficiency and enhanced our competitiveness in the market. The fleet will serve THAI’s domestic and regional operations aiming to provide customers with seamless and convenient flight connectivity. In addition, the retrofit of reclining business seats in the aircraft will offer passengers with more comfort while their travel experiences will be elevated and enhanced throughout their flight journey.” Cristina Aguilar, Senior Vice President Customer Services added, "We are thrilled to embark on this cabin retrofit project with Thai Airways. This agreement underscores our commitment to enhancing passenger comfort and delivering exceptional travel experiences. We look forward to seeing these upgraded A320ceo aircraft take to the skies, offering passengers unparalleled comfort with the new reclining business class seats." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [新聞連結] https://aircraft.airbus.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/ 2024-05-china-airlines-selects-airbus-for-a350-cabin-retrofit https://aircraft.airbus.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/ 2024-05-airbus-secures-thai-a320-cabin-retrofit-deal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. 華航的部分先前已有公告. 不過這大概也間接揭露了華航要改裝各級客艙其廠牌/型號了. 新版商務艙應該不想跟在星宇的後面了(note: 不是刻意提星宇, 而是華航/星宇 A350 商務艙座椅系出同門) 2. 若以後華航/長榮/星宇 各家採用不同的客艙產品,這樣對消費者來說,也是很好. 希望可逐漸發展出不同的風格供旅客比較選擇. 再來看長榮77W 改裝案是否有更多訊息揭露. 3, 華航今日也公告了744F*2 售予韓亞航空 4. 泰航是指20架A320ceo 部分. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1716976166.A.98A.html ※ 編輯: nyrnu ( 臺灣), 05/29/2024 17:53:24
ahodes: 找幾個胖子去試坐,才會知道現在商務艙的問題. 星語的350 05/29 18:10
ahodes: 商務艙坐起來就是不會起疹子. 05/29 18:10
williechen: 好事啊 我記得k董跟媒體說過 華航的359是剛推出時期 05/29 18:11
williechen: 的359 這幾年空巴很多設備進行升級 這次華航把359也 05/29 18:11
williechen: 拿去改艙 未來大家就平起平坐 05/29 18:11
Kroner: 我也有過關節痛的經驗,真的超痛苦的啦!推薦去看醫生,早點處理比較不會拖延變嚴重。 05/29 19:00
chenyei: 華航350豪經艙很悲劇,腳靠升起來之後,腳會被夾在前座 05/29 18:21
chenyei: 下面,希望改艙可以換掉現款椅子 05/29 18:21
nuc1earsub: 改艙通常是商務改更寬敞,經濟改更狹窄 05/29 18:42
AlainDion: BR改77W、CI改359,果然還是有壓力齁 05/29 18:44
Chricey: 想問一下有沒有關節痛的運動禁忌?怕動得更嚴重… 05/29 19:00
tony0526: 長榮還有要改789 05/29 18:54
vhygdih: 星宇航空在三年內幾乎可以達到華航3分之2的規模,華航在 05/29 19:00
vhygdih: 過去10年基本上都被長榮壓著打,長途載客率5到10 %的差距 05/29 19:00
vhygdih: ,自己身邊朋友出國願意花錢的幾乎都首選長榮,出差就比 05/29 19:00
Chricey: 我有在用UC2,感覺效果還不錯欸! 05/29 19:09
vhygdih: 較沒得選,更不用說華航的獲利能力只有周邊國家不到一半 05/29 19:00
vhygdih: ,這已經是虎航賺到翻的情況下,但是國家航空又不能倒, 05/29 19:00
vhygdih: 台灣國家的,大小跟人口不可能容納三家長途傳統航空的, 05/29 19:00
vhygdih: 世界上根本沒有這種成功例子,就等著看誰會變區域航空或 05/29 19:00
Chricey: 關節痛這種東西靠UC2就對了 05/29 19:11
vhygdih: 廉航 05/29 19:00
TsukimiyaAyu: 等三家虧兩家再來思考 05/29 19:09
manpower001: 世界上也很多成功的案子是你不知道的,等著看人家怎 05/29 19:09
manpower001: 麼做就好 05/29 19:09
Kroner: UC2對膝蓋特別有用嗎?有人能證實嗎? 05/29 19:41
iqeqicq: CI改艙要額外考慮正副總統出訪需求吧? 05/29 19:09
franceleo: 星宇A350 商務艙窗戶只有1、2個完整窗戶其他都被砍半這 05/29 19:10
franceleo: 應該可以改善吧 05/29 19:10
TsukimiyaAyu: 台灣兩大家機隊規模又不是大型航司 05/29 19:11
Kroner: 本魯關節痛始祖,葡萄糖胺保證沒用,乖乖吃UC2 05/29 19:56
Jsyc241008: 星宇達到華航3/2的規模..? 05/29 19:14
Jsyc241008: 是指營收還是什麼? 05/29 19:14
iqeqicq: 本來想說JX的頭等艙最適合正副總統伉儷 05/29 19:18
weijinsusu: 疫情期間全世界航空就華航,長榮及韓國2間賺錢欸,況 05/29 19:41
Chricey: 關節痛有人有有效的復健方法嗎? 05/29 20:35
weijinsusu: 且台灣3家加起來飛機數還不多,看新聞轉機客超2019不 05/29 19:42
weijinsusu: 少,餅很大就把他做更大吧 05/29 19:42
oralsex: 3/2是1.5倍的意思欸… 05/29 19:50
Jsyc241008: 對欸我打反了。真是不好意思 05/29 19:56
Chricey: 有人知道UC2和其他關節保健品的差異嗎? 05/29 20:43
wdnm3444: 華航很大的原因是吃過333的虧吧 不知道跑走了多少客人 05/29 20:18
等下周旅客搭菲航搭到 A333 飛 MNL-ICN-LAX, 這就是青出於藍,運用到一個極致. https://www.flightradar24.com/data/flights/pr112
iqeqicq: 連BR都改艙過A333了,反觀CI 05/29 20:30
pippen2002: 商務艙座椅系出同門?我以為都是官方版自己小改而已?? 05/29 20:34
a860122004: 三家應該最後就星宇走向廉航化 05/29 20:35
Chricey: 關節痛這種東西,比鬼還可怕! 05/29 21:19
a860122004: 不然資本額根本就不夠虧 05/29 20:35
danielpupu20: 三家最後應該長榮收起來吧。 05/29 20:38
weijinsusu: 看CX 777W的改款,3個艙等改起來就JX A350的影子,沒 05/29 20:43
weijinsusu: 超出太多,希望BR,CI能給耳目一新 05/29 20:43
Kroner: 關節痛睡覺就能治了,吃什麼UC2 05/30 01:27※ 編輯: nyrnu ( 臺灣), 05/29/2024 20:53:29
weijinsusu: 要倒有點難,除非疫情再來一次,不然頂多小賺小賠, 05/29 20:47
weijinsusu: 資本市場可提款,他自己也有千億很夠玩 05/29 20:47
william8403: 希望三家都好啊 最好三家自己投錢救救桃機 05/29 21:06
iqeqicq: BR和JX正在吵發哥遺產,CI玩沙去 05/29 21:19
Kroner: 看到有人提到關節痛,我就想到有一篇UC2推薦的文章 05/30 01:47
iqeqicq: 別忘了CI有個好基友,陽明海運 05/29 21:20
crooked: 好奇怪,好多台灣人真的好看不起自己,那麼自卑 05/29 22:55
macings: PTT就一堆鍵盤CEO,其中又鐵道航空板最多 05/29 23:03
cityport: CI跟BR根基太深..JX很難撼動 05/30 01:27
Chricey: 哈囉!關節痛真的超痛欸,我之前也遇過類似情況,後來去看醫生吃推薦UC2,效果不錯喔! 05/30 13:10
cityport: 只要東南亞航空業持續擺爛..台籍3家都能活得好好的 05/30 01:28
cityport: 都分一杯羹給CX了還能賺成這樣..沒理由不夠3家分 05/30 01:29
Herodotus: 因為有新血加入競爭而促使老公司去改進設備,這也是好 05/30 01:47
Herodotus: 事一件,而且也讓消費者有更多樣化的選擇。 05/30 01:47
Chricey: 不動對關節最好,拎北都躺著 05/30 01:47
coolfish1103: 我看完整段感覺華航 PY 會維持 2-3-2 耶,因為最後 05/30 06:55
coolfish1103: 寫的 existing layout 感覺就是只會升級不會降級。 05/30 06:56
coolfish1103: 不過 Y 椅距會不會又用座椅升級變更短就不知道了... 05/30 06:57
takuma: 777-300ER 沒有要改喔 05/30 13:10
Chricey: 樓下關節痛都吃鞏固力 05/30 13:10
choper: 華航新的租機350 PY就是2-4-2了 有夠擠 希望維持舊有2-3-2 05/30 18:14
長榮也揭露了下一代娛樂系統之選用, A321也終於要學習華航在舊機裝無線娛樂系統了. ※ 編輯: nyrnu ( 臺灣), 05/31/2024 22:40:54
taxlaw1991: 然後等到BR裝好wifi娛樂系統 CI裝wifi娛樂系統的飛機 06/05 12:39
taxlaw1991: 應該都退光了 06/05 12:39