https://x.com/fadeawaytreytak/status/1757971736073798071 Lee Kang-in's legal representative just released a statement that Lee Kang-in ne ver swung a fist at Son Heung-min. Like I've been saying, we needed to be patient & wait for the details. Speculati on only hurts the players. Whoever made up that rumor needs to be investigated 李剛仁律師發聲明表示 媒體聲稱的李向孫揮拳這件事是子虛烏有 話說李的IG被韓國網友灌爆了 囧 https://i.imgur.com/aEZEDnJ.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FAPL/M.1707969661.A.898.html
Aminoacid: 應該只是對孫殺球 只是手上沒有球拍 02/15 17:09
mithralin: 其實揮的是手掌不是拳頭,選我正解 02/15 18:28
kt9701: 所以是揮什麼? 02/15 18:59
Memento202: 揮拍 孫是拍 02/15 20:27
jabari: 揮哥啊 02/15 21:59
Kroner: 關節痛這種東西,比鬼還可怕! 02/15 21:59
IRPT001: 以前女排也有白目姐妹 可惜很正 02/16 01:50