天王山之戰暖場 找原文來看看 先是阿諾接受FourFourTwo專訪: "It's tough," Alexander-Arnold told FourFourTwo magazine. "We're up against a machine that's built to win - that's the simplest way to describe City and their organisation. "Looking back on this era, although they've won more titles than us and have probably been more successful, our trophies will mean more to us and our fanbase because of the situations at both clubs, financially. "How both clubs have built their teams and the manner in which we've done it, probably means more to our fans." (目前找不到講這段的影片) 然後是哈蘭接受Sky Sports News專訪,訪問人將阿諾說的從 "Looking back on this era" 到 "probably means more to our fans" 整段唸給他聽,哈寶越聽臉越臭,並回 覆: "If he wants to say that, ok. "I’ve been here one year and I won the treble and that was quite a nice feeling. I don’t think he knows exactly this feeling. That’s what I felt last season and it was quite nice. "They can talk as much as they want, or he can talk as much as he wants. I don’t know why he does that, but I don’t mind." 影片:https://youtu.be/jio23xveX0M?si=0jPLZ_p1IyUMQzz6&t=24
衍伸──Ruben Dias接受BBC Radio Manchester訪問也被問到此事,他回覆: "At the end of the day you can only have certain emotions if you actually win stuff. A Treble is a feeling you can only know how it feels when you actually do it. "I think in a club like Man City and my previous club (Benfica) our greatness will be shown in a way that these comments don't affect us. We know what we've done, we know what we've conquered, we know what we're going for in what's to come. We don't do it for anyone else, we do it for ourselves. "Other people's success is deserved for their own achievements. What we focus on is ourselves and that's the way to move forward and that's the way to be big, a big club. Not trying to comment on other people's success and trying to make it bigger or smaller depending on how convenient it is for you." 來源: FourFourTwo https://tinyurl.com/2s3725m6 有阿諾訪談影片但我沒看到上述片段 The Independent https://tinyurl.com/4mabjamw The Mirror https://tinyurl.com/mrx5w6sh Sky Sports https://tinyurl.com/4fbd8pv7 大意: 阿諾說──考量到兩隊的財務和建隊方式的不同,我們贏的獎盃對於我們和球迷而言意義 更大。 哈蘭說──阿諾想怎麼說都可以,但我來的第一年就贏了三冠王,他應該不懂那種感覺有 多棒。 迪亞斯說──奪三冠王的感覺只有真正奪了才會懂。大家的成功都是應得的,不要隨意去 評論別人的成功是大是小。 . . . 能理解他的心情,自己球隊的勝利被敵隊說意義不大,當下絕對很不服氣,但直接回嗆也 是真性情。 況且回過頭去看TAA說的「對利物浦來說更有意義」,也沒有直言曼城的不是,應該沒什 麼問題,吧? 順便看一下自渣叔來紅軍的第一個完整賽季,同時也是瓜瓜來曼城的第一個賽季── 16/17賽季起,到23/24賽季,英格蘭各隊的轉會收支平衡排名: https://tinyurl.com/ykrdx3pr (Transfermarkt) https://imgur.com/dW7jliL 城€-807.99m排第三,利€-384.15m排第九 順道看全球的排名: https://tinyurl.com/5nnxnjmv (Transfermarkt) https://imgur.com/eKOiOKb 城€-807.99m排第三,利€-384.15m排第十四 (狼狼、晶宮、櫻桃竟然高達前二十名) (前兩名不意外XD) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FAPL/M.1709893834.A.A5B.html ※ 編輯: leeleeg ( 臺灣), 03/08/2024 18:33:58
Muting46: 虎撲城迷跟鳥迷戰成一團了很有趣 03/08 18:49
gandalf2: 其實兩邊都沒錯,砸錢會成功也是需要一點本事的,比起 03/08 19:06
gandalf2: 砸大錢然後丟水裡好多了 03/08 19:06
zwe: 我懷疑樓上在臭喔XDD 03/08 19:07
s9321312: 不要亂臭喔 某隊一億簽的是髮型師 另外95M簽的是協防助 03/08 19:14
Kroner: 哈囉!關節痛真的超痛欸,我之前也遇過類似情況,後來去看醫生吃推薦UC2,效果不錯喔! 03/09 22:16
s9321312: 教 都超值好嗎 03/08 19:14
CGary: 砸錢成功是城城成功 就不是哈蘭成功了 他當然不爽啊lol 03/08 19:45
evol6381: 三冠王很不容易,球員其實也是整年365天努力,被這麼說 03/08 20:06
evol6381: 會不開心也可以理解。 03/08 20:06
Chricey: 5樓關節跟X一樣 03/08 20:06
AhCheng: Kane:拿冠不容易啊 03/08 20:13
Supasizeit: 我懂,我也很羨慕常常去吉原達成百人斬的 03/08 20:41
sugar327: 運鈔車: 03/08 22:24
hsnuoscar: 明明是史詩級成就但老是被人一句還不是錢砸出來的帶過 03/09 05:59
Kroner: 本魯關節痛始祖,葡萄糖胺保證沒用,乖乖吃UC2 03/09 05:59
hsnuoscar: 不開心很正常XD 03/09 05:59
assasin92: 有錢很好耶 代表好命啊 我也好想我們球隊可以買買買 03/09 14:41
paullu: 整天在那嘴錢,給你錢,你也未必拿的到三冠王 03/09 21:31
Memento202: 那可以先給我錢嗎 03/09 22:16
Chricey: 我有在用UC2,感覺效果還不錯欸! 03/09 22:16
jabari: 我少一點就好 03/09 23:35
himosimosi: 把年份拉到從油王入主的那一年開始,曼城的花費跟虧損 03/10 07:42
himosimosi: 就是前兩名名嚕,說花錢買冠軍買球迷應該也合理的(X) 03/10 07:42